Monday, 28 March 2011

Waking Bula - Open letter to the residents of Bulahdelah 28.3.11

This situation is so dire, so awful, so incomprehensible that no-one in any government will do anything, that I hope at least some media outlets will print it. We can only hope that some of the residents finally wake up to the atrocity on their doorstep and the looming disaster, that will come whether there is a catastrophic landslip or not, whether hundreds of people contract cancer and silicosis or not - just the highway being there will, inevitably, kill the mountain and kill the town stone dead ...mb

Open letter to the residents of Bulahdelah
Enjoy your (to-be) 6-lane highway through the mid-slopes of your World Heritage valued sacred mountain.
Enjoy having the fumes and pollution from 20,000 cars and trucks fall on you every day. 
Enjoy breathing in the highly dangerous carcinogenic and silicosis-causing dust from the explosions.
Experts in the field have warned there is a very real risk of catastrophic landslips in the inherently unstable mountain that could be triggered any time either by the blasting, heavy rainfall*, earthquake*, the removal of so much vegetation or just from the vibrations of heavy traffic.
Enjoy living under that cloud every day - you deserve it - 800 INNOCENT SCHOOL CHILDREN DO NOT.
Maureen Brannan 905 Wilson Road CLOYNA Q 4605 ph: 0427710523 

(I have deliberately used the word 'innocent' for the school children, to make the point that the residents are as guilty as the RTA by fully complying with Option E rather than joining the knowledgeable and caring people in their town who have been fighting this great evil for over 10 years, as are all the relevant government ministers who could have stopped this nightmare at any time. The government has absolutely NO RIGHT to put the lives of all those innocent children in such peril! It is an indictable offence!) 

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