Thursday, 24 March 2011

Open letter to Julia Gillard

Open letter to Julia Gillard:

What with allowing mining in the Tarkine, passing the pulp mill and other notable jobs Mr Burke has had on his plate lately, what time has your environment minister had to assess complex matters of Aboriginal cultural heritage?  He's so busy that in 18 months he hasn't found the time to process the Worimi's claim to protect their sacred mountain estate, during which time many of the significant sites on the mountain needing protection have been unnecessarily destroyed.  In fact, why isn't Aboriginal heritage the job of the Indigenous Affairs department, that being the only department in a position to make a decision on such matters?
Give it to Jenny Macklin, Julia - SHE'S NOT DOING ANYTHING.  Ask her to deal with the sacred Alum Mountain Protection claim, first to stop them blasting it to carcinogenic smithereens.  Then she should look at the by-pass threatening priceless heritage in Tasmania, then all the other ones pending.  Then she can take her time and review all the past decisions made by the wrong department under the 1984 Heritage Act.

And Julia, most people think duck 'hunting' is an absolute obscenity - hundreds of camo-clad, armed-to-the-teeth rednecks laying in ambush at their waterholes is not hunting.  The Australian people want you to ban it, now, before any more native 'sitting ducks' are slaughtered.

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