Meridian Wave
“There is no power on earth that
can withstand the united cooperation on spiritual levels of men and women of
goodwill everywhere.” Wellesly
Tudor Pole
"The river is rising, to reclaim the Earth!" Starhawk
very easy and enjoyable thing that we could all include in our daily routines is
to observe a minute’s meditation, based on The Big Ben Silent Minute*, at
midday every day - its
simplicity belies its enormous potential. The theory suggests that it would generate
a dynamic wave of energy that could bring profound beneficial changes to humanity and promote harmonious
relations between people of all ethnicities & faiths. Maintaining
peace will then allow us to devote our energies to urgent priorities,
such as adapting our societies to cope with extreme weather events,
catastrophes, environmental & climatic changes. With our time
and energy freed up and focussed, hundreds of entire ecosystems, currently in
danger of extinction, could be restored back into healthy balance & re-invigorated.
meditation is an ancient tradition in most cultures that goes back
thousands of years and was used more recently by Winston Churchill, an
initiative of Tudor Pole his advisor, to help on a spiritual level to
bring an end to World War II. Over the airwaves, he implored the people of
Great Britain, as they were all gathered around their radios to listen to the
9 pm news, to collectively pray in silence for the minute that the chimes of
Big Ben were striking the hour (broadcast before the 9 o’clock news).
After the war, Nazi records noted “the Britons had a secret weapon connected to
Big Ben" - they never uncovered the nature of this weapon!
participated, millions of people fervently praying for peace, for the war to be
over and their sons returned to them safe & sound. Churchill knew from his connections with
esoteric knowledge that this huge outpouring of emotional energy would set
up a ‘standing wave’, a self-embedding roll of energy (aka Ouroborus) that
would bring peace & harmony to all in its path.
spiritual traditions maintain that the power of prayer is
greatly magnified when people synchronise their passion and will and
attune to the same intention at the same time. Today it is needed more than
ever to overcome the negativity, cynicism, fear & hatred many people
harbour within them, unwittingly
aiding the spread of mind and physical pollution,
violence and mayhem that disregards all living things. All this darkness
& disease could be transformed into loving energy if we all participate,
Matrix style, our united human body channelling the high-vibration of love,
compassion and understanding - humanity working together as one, all of
equal value, transcending race or religious persuasion. We could create
a veritable tsunami of pure love and bliss, overcoming negativity,
lifting spirits and healing all in its path.
I truly believe that if millions
of people synchronised their goodwill and prayers at midday every day, it would
bring lasting peace everywhere. This
is what many people are already doing, and this is what we can all do,
starting tomorrow, just by being aware at noon each day, saying a prayer, chanting a mantra, being silent, meditating, or just doing
whatever feels good to you, for one minute … our ‘secret weapon’
against negativity connected to the Meridian.
will come.
A few suggestions for spoken word prayer:
From His
Holiness Pope John Paul II (written 24.1.2002):
Violence never again!
War never again!
Terrorism never again!
In God’s name, may all religions bring upon Earth
Justice and Peace, Forgiveness, Life and Love!
From the Rig Veda (Hindu religion):
Let us be united;
Let us speak in harmony;
Let our minds apprehend alike.
Common be our prayer;
Common be our resolution;
Common be our deliberations.
Alike be our feelings;
Unified be our hearts;
Common be our intentions;
Perfect be our Unity.
From Starhawk:
We are the sweet water, we are the seed
We are the storm wind that blows away greed
We are the New World that we bring to birth
The river is rising, to reclaim the Earth!
“This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good,
falsehood with truth and hatred with love.”
O wonderful
spirit of gentleness, touch, calm and embolden us and all men. Take from our
frightened hands the bomb and bayonet. Arm us instead with faith. Arm
us with wisdom and love so that wherever we walk in whatsoever land, life will
enter and not death. This we know is the will of the Prince of
Peace. Amen.
Fountain of
My source is
in thee
Loving thy
My spirit is
O Beautiful
When all of
us see
The hope of
the world
is LOVE!
From OAHSPE, A Kosmon Bible, Book of the Arc of Bon
Ch:VII v.14:
The highest
peace is the peace of the soul, which comes of consciousness of having done the
wisest and the best in all things according to one's own light. For after
all, is not the Earth life but the beginning, wherein we are as in a womb,
moulding our souls into the condition which will come upon us after
death? In which case we should with alacrity seize upon the passing time
and appropriate it to doing righteous works to one another."
and Ch1 v.16
the seventh era is at hand. Your Creator commands you change from a
carnivorous man of contention to an herbivorous man of peace. The four
Heads of the Beast shall be put away, and war shall be no more on the Earth."
From the Essene Gospel of Peace, an exact
translation from the Dead Sea Scrolls:
"Come to me, all that are weary and that suffer
in strife and affliction! For my peace will strengthen you and comfort you. For
my peace is exceeding full of joy. Wherefore do I always greet you after this
manner: “Peace be with you!” Do you always, therefore, so
greet one another, that upon your body may descend the peace of your Earthly
Mother and upon your spirit the peace of your Heavenly Father. And
then you will find peace also among yourselves, for the kingdom of God is
within you. And now return to your Brothers with whom hitherto you were
at war, and give your peace to them also. For happy are they that strive
for peace, for they will find the peace of God. Go, and sin no more. And
give to every one your peace, even as I have given my peace unto you. For
my peace is of God. Peace be with you."
And he left them.
And his peace descended upon them; and in their
heart the angel of love, in their head the wisdom of law, and in their
hands the power of rebirth, they went forth among the Sons of Men, to
bring the light of peace to those that warred in darkness.
And they parted, wishing one to another: