Saturday, 22 December 2012

Celtic Tree Year

Further NOTES for the Celtic Tree Calendar

The Celtic culture and epistemology has innumerable synchronistic parallels with Australian Aboriginal counterparts, the first civilisation on Earth from which all others are derived. One of the ‘clues’ is the consonant ‘Ng’ found in Celtic language (theirs was orally transmitted with the aid of iconography, song and dance, just as Aboriginal culture was, and required the same whole-brain ‘pattern-thinking’ as do all non-written indigenous cultures) – it is said that it was pronounced ‘Ny’ but I doubt that – if it was, why didn’t they write it Ny? I believe it was pronounced the same as Aborigines do, as in si’NG’ing, and is a relic from the archetype Aboriginal language, which was obviously first as it came tens of thousands of years before any other culture! It is more or less the same as Aboriginal calendars (many on the internet now…) being a seasonal calendar describing the flowering and harvesting times for all the plants and animals they utilised in their daily activities. Ancient Cultures in both northern and southern hemispheres are currently experiencing revivals of their lost knowledge streams.  Aboriginal cultures are the most advanced and highly evolved of all.

So the Tree Calendar, originally conceived by the Druids as a secret/sacred language, evolved into a teaching aid for all the community – if you delve in more deeply, you can uncover an entire encyclopaedia and epistemology for the life-cycles and uses (practical, medicinal and ceremonial) of all the plants and animals they shared their world with … exactly the same as Aboriginal teachings.  The Tree-cycle encompasses virtually all the folk-lore, every aspect of the culture that children would need to know to survive in their world.  By studying it they would learn about every plant in their local habitat and more specifically, how to manage the forests so they keep all the useful species healthy and productive. One ‘poem’ (song cycle) explained all the aspects of the wood from various trees, how to season the logs, how to utilise for carving, for heating purposes etc.

Each month of 28 days (four sever-day weeks) was attributed a consonant and corresponding tree, animal and mineral  - the four ‘stations’ of the year, the Solstices and Equinoxes plus the Day of Liberation, made up the five vowels. 

Day of Liberation, 2012

"We must retrace our steps or perish"
Notes  for Celtic Tree Calendar
First Quarter          Full Moon           Last Quarter           New Moon
1     B      BETH (beh)       BIRCH      Dec 24  -  Jan 20     Pheasant (Besan) - White (Ban) - Red Sard
2     L       LUIS (loosh)     ROWAN    Jan 21 – Feb 17     Duck (Lacbu) - Grey (Liatb) - Issachar
3    N      NION (knee-un)      ASH      Feb 18 – Mar 17   Snipe (Naescu) - Clear (Nechot) – Sea-green Beryl
4    F       FEARN (fairin)      ALDER      Mar 18 – Apr 14     Gull (Faelinn) - Crimson (Flann) – Fire Garnet
5    S    SAILLE (sahl-yeh)  WILLOW  Apr 15 – May 12   Hawk (Seg) – Fine Coloured (Sodath) -Carbuncle
6    H    HUATH (hoh-uh)  HAWTHORNE May13-Jun 9  Night Crow(hadaig)-Terrible(Huath)-Lapis Lazuli
7    D   DUIR (dooir)    OAK         10 – July 7    Wren (Droen)  -  Black (Dub)  -  White Carnelian
8   T  TINNE (chihnn-uh)  HOLLY  July 8 – Aug 4  Starling(Thuin) - Dark Grey(Temen)–YellowCairngorm
9    C    COLL  (kol)     HAZEL     Aug 5 – Sept 1      Crane (Corr)  -  Brown (Cron)  -  Banded Red Agate
10  M    MUIN (mooin)    VINE    Sept 2 – Sept 29     Titmouse (Mintan) -Variegated (mbracht) - Amethyst
11  G     GORT (go-ert)    IVY    Sept 30 – Oct 27     Mute Swan (Geis)  -   Blue (Gorm)  - Yellow Serpentine
12 Ng   NGETAL(nyetal) REED  Oct 28 – Nov 24   Goose (Ngeigh) -GlassGreen(Nglas)–ClearGreenJasper
13  R     RUIS (roosh)   ELDER   Nov 25 – Dec 22   Rook(Roenat) - Blood-Red(Ruadh) -DkGreen Malachite
The Day of Liberation on the 23rd December, the ‘extra’ day that stands apart from the 364 days of the thirteen months, recognised from antiquity and in the earliest courts of law as ‘A Year and a Day’, has its Mayan counterpart on the opposite solstice, and was known by them as the ‘Day Out of Time’– its Celtic correspondences are the letter ‘J’, amber in the precious jewels, and mistletoe in the ‘trees’ – the plant most venerated by Druids (and Druidesses) for its spiritual (psychotropic) qualities. This bardic poem alludes to the horticultural history of the grafting of this sacred plant onto the oak tree:
"The day that is no day calls for a tree that is no tree, of low yet lofty growth.
When the pale queen of Autumn casts her leaves, my leaves are freshly tufted on her boughs.
Look, the twin temple-posts of green and gold, the overshadowing lintel stone of white
For here with white and green and gold I shine - graft me upon the King when his sap rises
That I may bloom with him at the year's prime, that I may blind him in his hour of joy."
- Robert Graves, The White Goddess

[The full moon of December 2012 is included as it falls within the first Celtic month of Beth]

Friday, 6 January 2012

Flinders Ranges bushfires

3 hours ago ... January 6, 2011 – AUSTRALIA – A bushfire in South Australia's Flinders Ranges is threatening homes as it continues to burn out of control. ...

Bushfire in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges continues to rage out of control

January 6, 2012AUSTRALIAA bushfire in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges is threatening homes as it continues to burn out of control. The blaze has destroyed more than 2600 hectares of scrub at Horrocks Pass since it was sparked on Wednesday, and the largely inaccessible terrain is hampering the efforts of more than 120 firefighters to control it. The Country Fire Service says the fire is heading towards Yapoona Springs, Long Valley and Mt Brown and poses a risk to people and property in the area. A community meeting was scheduled at nearby Wilmington on Thursday night to provide advice and an update to local residents. Police were in the area and had closed several roads. They have also revealed they are searching for a serial arsonist after three fires south of Adelaide, the latest on Wednesday at Blewett Springs. Detective Chief Inspector John Schrader said there had been other fires dating back over several years, but the current investigation would centre on the three most recent, dating back to mid-November. All three burned small areas of scrub, but did not damage homes or other property. “We believe the last three arsons are linked and we consider that, because of certain similarities, it’s likely to be the same person or persons involved,” Insp Schrader said. “We are currently putting significant resources into the investigation.” He added that some information had already been received from the public, but detectives needed more help. -9 News

My post: 
Certain people, usually graziers, have been getting away with arson, with destroying millions of hectares of precious biodiversity, ever since invasion, and authorities are only just now beginning to prosecute. It is because graziers believe it is not only their RIGHT to burn ‘fuel load’ in bushland, it is their DUTY to in the face of authorities not officially permitting them to.  Anyone who can serially destroy SO MUCH life in usually endangered ecosystems, without a twinge of conscience, without a skerrick of insight into their profound sickness, let alone remorse for what they’ve done, I believe are psychoipathic. There are a great many such people in my district (South Burnett) which has been blighted by graziers, there now being less than 10% of virtually all native ecosystems remaining in fragmented pockets, and virtually no hope of restoration. I’ve been actively opposing them with my permaculture property for sixteen years, have faced the worst, cruelest persecution from the local council who eventually forced me off my property (which I had developed into a p/c farm and nature reserve – now cleared by the new owners). I am very ending in ending forever the practice of ‘control burns’ and bulldozing ridiculously ineffective ‘containment’ lines through bushland etc.
I have a blog and wordpress site: ‘worldatpolarity’ (which I haven’t been able to post on since July but will be posting nearly daily from now on) but after a quick look at yours, I’m hoping we can maybe work together to bring about change from the current cruel & devastating practices in Australia’s cattle industry to biodiversity-sustaining ones.